West Mercia and Warwickshire Police and the Wyre Forest Community Safety Partnership
The aim of the project was to reduce antisocial behaviour by children and young people in the Wyre Forest in a specific, problem area for the Police. The project was run in July 2015 and jointly funded by West Mercia and Warwickshire Police and the Wyre Forest Community Safety Partnership.
The Stourport and Bewdley local policing team and the CSP had identified specific areas and dates within the calendar that caused them concern in the lead up to the summer holidays, where hotspots of antisocial behaviour occur.
Following a recommendation from Youth Partnership, they engaged us to reduce the incidence of antisocial behaviour using our mobile youth trailer for resources and with planned organised activities led by our staff. They were impressed by our reputation for using qualified, friendly and caring staff who genuinely have a keen interest in children and young people as well as their development.
Our plan included a variety of challenging and diverse activities, some physical, some mental challenges, designed to engage and appeal to a mixed gender 8-14 year age group. The activities balanced individual games and team building fun, and included Bouncy castle, battle zone, human table football, Archery, Bush craft activities i.e. shelter building, fire lighting, and navigation games, Mobile youth unit with games consoles and DVD’s.
The project ran for 2 weeks, with 10 half day sessions, run by three members of staff. The activities were free for the children. Through encouragement and using the challenge by choice ethos the children were able to develop better communication skills, confidence, motivation and improve their self-esteem.
Police HQ analysed the data relating to these specific locations and times in relation to ASB, which showed that as a result of our program providing the intervention resources there were 97 fewer ASB calls into the Police over the following month. Related incidents were also prevented.
“Overall it was a worthwhile approach and we will look at doing this again next year. The parents I spoke to were very impressed with the activities that had been provided for the children. The teenagers were keen to get involved with the activities, thought it was a great idea and enjoyed taking part.”
Safer Neighbourhood Sergeant’ Stourport, Bewdley
As a result of the impressive outcomes seen from the antisocial Behaviour interventions the Police team asked us to develop and deliver two more projects, one working with GRT (Gypsie Roma Traveller) community and a second working with young men to change their outlook towards young women. The high social return on investment of this project was appreciated by the local community.