Lyppard Grange Primary
During the winter term 2016, Active Youth Outreach Services ran 6 weeks of Outdoor Adventurous Activity (OAA) curriculum based sessions on behalf of ‘Freedom Leisure’ for Lyppard Grange Primary School in Worcester. The aim of course was to provide children with the necessary skills and abilities to fulfil the national curriculum obligation.
“Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team”
– DfE (Department for Education) National Curriculum—Key Stage 2
Freedom Leisure had approached AYOS as a result of the positive projects carried out previously, and asked us to create and deliver a series of OAA curriculum sessions during school me for a group of 60 children (2 classes). Across each session the children were introduced to a range of different activities including Team Games and Ice Breakers, Archery, Scavenger Hunts, Natural Art, Fire Lighting, Cooking and more.
Our experienced and qualified staff managed each session individually and safety was of utmost importance throughout, providing invaluable experiences for the children to learn, respect and reconnect with their natural surroundings.
The sessions themselves were designed to create a flexible and comfortable environment to promote and encourage self led learning, this allowed the children to take ownership of each session and whilst supported by our staff they were able to construct their own objectives depending on what the want to achieve.
Throughout the course the children developed a wide range of personal skills and safety practises that allowed them to achieve and succeed within each element of OAA in line with the National Curriculum. As a result of the flexible, self led nature of the course we received some fantastic feedback from both the school and children.
Teacher 1 – “They look forward to it every week”
Child 1 – “Can’t you keep coming, next will be boring”
Teacher 2 – “It’s great that that have had a chance to try something new. They have really enjoyed themselves”
As a result of the positive feedback we are now launching other OAA curriculum session in schools as well as extra curricular enrichment clubs for children and young people across the county.